Blog Archive

Friday, June 28, 2013

Vine vs Instagram: Will Vine survive this battle?

Hello everyone! Like usual, before I go ahead and start talking about this week’s topic, Vine vs Instagram. I want to go ahead and give you all some updates on what is going on with me this past week.

As you all know I just recently became a student blogger of myEdu and this past week they published my first article, “Three Tips to Land the Internship You Want”. You should check it out, I give some cool pointers on stuff that I struggled with and things I have learned the hard way throughout my process of getting an internship. You should also be on the watch because my next article for them is on the way and it is about time management in college.

My latest article for Xenfi, Inc. called “The Secrets of Branding Your Business the Right Way” was also published last week. In the article I revealed the secret ingredients on how to create a strong brand which will be relevant to your consumers, show your credibility, and give your business a competitive advantage in the market. In my next article for Xenfi, I will be giving few tips on how to create a killer logo for your business.

Today, I have been to a photo shoot for a Chicago musical, which I will be sharing the pictures 
here once I receive them.

Let’s get back to business!

The buzz of the moment is that Facebook’s Instagram just recently added a video sharing capability to compete with Twitter’s Vine. Vine has be growing in popularity with their ability to offer the same concept of Instgram but for video sharing. The question that everyone is asking themselves right now is, will Vine survive this battle?

The whole concept of having a social network where you could share only photographs implemented by Instagram has helped ease in to the public the concept implemented by Vine. However, in my opinion it is the same as Instagram but only for videos.

I can be a bit bias here since I prefer to use Instagram and I am a big fan of making life simple. With the addition of video to Instagram their users can just continue sharing their stuff with their network of friends, rather than having to build another profile and find all their friends again on Vine.

It is also good to note that Instagram is being backed up by Facebook, with a massive database which helps them on this aspect and Vine is backed up by Tiwtter. It is safe to say that almost everyone in the world has Facebook but not everyone has Twitter. I believe this will have a big influence in this battle.

In my opinion, Vine will not disappear but its popularity will fade away eventually becoming what Myspace is write now, ever since the introduction of Facebook to the world. It might be a bit harsh to say, but for me Instagram overall is a better app. Only time will tell if Vine’s future is bright after his battle.

See you all next time.. Tchau!!

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